FEED for Sea fish Farm​​

KASIL works for it as sales office for Korean market.

Special Sea Fish

Kasil deliver special Sea Fish kinds as below;

  • Top Shell Meat
  • Sea Cucumber
  • Alive Eel from Black Sea and Morrocco.

Partner: www.patrician.ro

Mineral Water

Aur’a water comes from the Ursoanea Spring, located in Ocna de Fier (Caras Severin County), at the foot of the Golden Hawk Mountains (Masivul Cracul de Aur) in the Banat Mountains. It springs from the mountain and it reaches the surface being naturally filtered by sand, sand and gravel, cobble, clay and topsoil. This natural process attributes unique properties to it: pH 8.28, gold and silver colloid content, absence of organic matter.



Potato Starch

From Poland, Hungary  and Romania to Korea. 

Frozen Vegetables

Products from Poland and Hungary to Korea.